Exceptional service requires exceptional people. People who care about your needs and giving you an amazing training experience.
Exceptional training requires exceptional lecturers. People with knowledge, experience, teaching skills and enthusiasm. Remember the difference a great teacher made to whether or not you enjoyed a subject at school? A great lecturer is the most important component of any training.
We are a training company, not a sales company. Unlike most companies in this industry, all our lecturers are full-time staff. So they have a vested interest in the quality of the training we offer.

Renier van Wyk
Director and Lecturer (The Boss)
Renier is the founder of Incus Data. He has been programming in C since the early 1980s, and teaching it since 1988.
Renier has developed in so many technologies: C, C++, Python, .NET, Perl, Pascal, Forth, Assembler and more. He has written applications that range from business systems to embedded systems.
Renier is our senior techno-geek - many delegates will have heard him describe C as poetry. When he isn't developing or presenting courses, he spends his free time ... on the computer.

Jacqui Coosner
Director and Occasional Lecturer (The Real Boss)
Jacqui manages all things business-related. She practiced law for some years until Renier lured her to the dark side of IT.
Jacqui has developed and presented courses in SQL, XML and web development. Her superpower is her ability to write documents and manuals. And yes, she loves it.
Jacqui has a passion for reading, cats and chocolates. For exercise she likes to hang upside down from aerial apparatus.
Lewis Coosner
Director and Lecturer
Lewis is an electrical engineer by profession. He started developing software in the 1980s, and has programmed in C, C++, Fortran, Assembler, Pascal, Visual Basic and Java. He has extensive experience in developing military and engineering systems.
Lewis is our Java guru. He was one of the first two Java lecturers in the country to be certified as such by Sun Microsystems.
In his free time, Lewis cycles, kayaks, hikes, caves and generally exhausts himself. Since the pandemic, he has been exploring the calmer world of Tai Chi.
Charles Diedericks
Charles started his career in stage management. Then he discovered that bits and bytes are more interesting. He started programming with PHP in 2007. Since then, his experience has included C#, Visual Basic, ASP.NET, SQL Server and web development.
Charles is responsible for our web development courses. So he faces the challenges of new technologies all the time. He also has to look after most of our internal systems.
As our other techno-geek, Charles spends his free time gaming, coding and listening to strange music.
Jo-Ann Erasmus
Sales Manager
Jo-Ann is our highly-motivated and super-cheerful sales manager. She'll go out of her way to help you with your enquiries. As she will be the first to admit, Jo-Ann is not shy and soft-spoken. But we enjoy that, because she is such a cheerful person. Now that she works from home, we miss the sound of her laughter.
Jo-Ann started working for Incus Data more than 10 years ago. She left us for a while to have more time for her children. We were delighted when she joined us again at the end of 2016.
Jo-Ann relaxes by indulging her creative side, and usually has a craft project in the works.