Advanced JavaScript Programming Course


If you want to build robust web applications, you need to master the more advanced features of JavaScript. These features will make your code more efficient and scalable. They are also used extensively in popular frameworks like React and Node.js. This course will address topics such as keyed collections, asynchronous programming, object-oriented features, decorators and closures. It will also cover the differences between TypeScript and JavaScript.  

Why you want to attend

You should attend the Advanced JavaScript Programming course if:
  • You are a JavaScript programmer and you want or need to learn more advanced concepts.
  • You need to be able to support JavaScript code that uses more advanced concepts.

What you need to know first

Before you attend the Advanced JavaScript course:

Price and duration

Price: R8,400.00 excluding VAT per delegate. This price includes everything that you need:
  • All course material, provided in an electronic format.
  • An attendance certificate after the course, in PDF format.
Duration: 3 days. The Advanced JavaScript course is presented virtually. Find out more about our virtual training and how it works. Please check the course schedule for the next available date.

How to book

It’s so easy to book for the Advanced JavaScript course. Just email us at You can send us a purchase order, or fill in our course enrolment form. After we have received your booking, we will confirm that you are booked, and we’ll send you an invoice.

Detailed course contents


  • Recap of JavaScript concepts.
  • JavaScript outside the browser.

Data Types

  • The Symbol type.
  • Indexed collections: ArrayBuffer and binary arrays.
  • Keyed collections: Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet.
  • Destructuring assignment.


  • Object references and copying.
  • Garbage collection.
  • Optional chaining.
  • Object to primitive conversion.
  • Property flags and descriptors.
  • Property getters and setters.


  • Class syntax.
  • Inheritance with the prototype chain.
  • Static properties and methods.
  • Private and protected properties and methods.
  • Extending built-in classes.
  • Mixins.

Advanced Functions

  • Variable scope and closures.
  • Recursion and stack.
  • Rest parameters and spread syntax.
  • Named function expressions.
  • Decorators and forwarding.
  • Function binding.
  • Arrow functions revisited.

Generators and Advanced Iteration

  • Generators.
  • Async iteration and generators.

Asynchronous Processing

  • Callbacks.
  • Promises and promisification.
  • Async and await.


  • Concurrency model and the event loop.
  • Browser events.
  • Bubbling and capturing.
  • Event delegation.
  • Dispatching custom events.
  • Scripts: async and defer.
  • Resource loading: onload and onerror.
  • Mutation observer.

Network Requests

  • XMLHttpRequest.
  • Fetch.
  • FormData.
  • WebSocket.
  • URL objects.
  • Resumable file upload.


  • Introduction to modules.
  • Export and Import.
  • Dynamic imports.


  • JavaScript versus TypeScript.
  • Polyfills and transpilers.
  • Syntax of types.
  • Classes and interfaces.
  • Custom types.
  • Generics.
  • Decorators and attributes.

Download the course outline

Download the Advanced JavaScript course outline in PDF format.

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If you need any further information, please contact us on tel: (27) 12-666-2020 or email

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